wall art

Of all the pieces in our collection, one that will catch your eye immediately and leave you mesmerised is this circular aluminium cast wall art. This unique wall art is reminiscent of the natural drama of water droplets falling from leaves into a water body and the resultant ripples formed on the surface of the water.

The artwork showcases the natural fluidity of water through intricate details, which have been carefully hand-processed by craftsmen. The casted ripples are visually arresting and add a level of drama to the artwork. This circular artwork with a 4 foot diameter, dressed in ripples is a visual treat.

wall art

Of all the pieces in our collection, one that will catch your eye immediately and leave you mesmerised is this circular aluminium cast wall art. This unique wall art is reminiscent of the natural drama of water droplets falling from leaves into a water body and the resultant ripples formed on the surface of the water.

The artwork showcases the natural fluidity of water through intricate details, which have been carefully hand-processed by craftsmen. The casted ripples are visually arresting and add a level of drama to the artwork. This circular artwork with a 4 foot diameter, dressed in ripples is a visual treat.

wall art

Of all the pieces in our collection, one that will catch your eye immediately and leave you mesmerised is this circular aluminium cast wall art. This unique wall art is reminiscent of the natural drama of water droplets falling from leaves into a water body and the resultant ripples formed on the surface of the water.

The artwork showcases the natural fluidity of water through intricate details, which have been carefully hand-processed by craftsmen. The casted ripples are visually arresting and add a level of drama to the artwork. This circular artwork with a 4 foot diameter, dressed in ripples is a visual treat.

wall art

Of all the pieces in our collection, one that will catch your eye immediately and leave you mesmerised is this circular aluminium cast wall art. This unique wall art is reminiscent of the natural drama of water droplets falling from leaves into a water body and the resultant ripples formed on the surface of the water.

The artwork showcases the natural fluidity of water through intricate details, which have been carefully hand-processed by craftsmen. The casted ripples are visually arresting and add a level of drama to the artwork. This circular artwork with a 4 foot diameter, dressed in ripples is a visual treat.

wall art

Of all the pieces in our collection, one that will catch your eye immediately and leave you mesmerised is this circular aluminium cast wall art. This unique wall art is reminiscent of the natural drama of water droplets falling from leaves into a water body and the resultant ripples formed on the surface of the water.

The artwork showcases the natural fluidity of water through intricate details, which have been carefully hand-processed by craftsmen. The casted ripples are visually arresting and add a level of drama to the artwork. This circular artwork with a 4 foot diameter, dressed in ripples is a visual treat.